Howl & The Wind & A Beating Of A Year
Ignite Your Bones ... You've likely heard the phrase "like water & oil." It's a way of saying that two things/people/circumstances just don't go together. Like water and oil, they don't mix. In [...]
Ignite Your Bones ... You've likely heard the phrase "like water & oil." It's a way of saying that two things/people/circumstances just don't go together. Like water and oil, they don't mix. In [...]
I’m tired of being told who I am. I’m tired of being told what I think. I am tired of being labeled. I’m tired of being sidelined. And I’m tired of being pushed to [...]
The Oracle is hands-down the best daggum bar in Boston. Maybe in all of New England. Not that you’d know it to see it, of course. It’s not the swankiest joint in the area [...]
/ Archeological Research Entry: 219.7 / From: Research Team Theta - The City of Suns, Quetzal System / Personal Log: Xolo Gutierrez, Male, 17 years standard / Record Begins: The 7,419th day of the [...]
you’ll find it there in the breaking dawn ... and in the tears of the repentant heart you’ll also find it there in the darkness ... and in the flowers in their riot [...]
I believe that you can teach an old dog new tricks. I believe that change is the basic underlying nature of creation. I believe that there is a God. I believe that God really [...]
Sometimes day breaks and I break myself against it. Sometimes life just flips over and stops making sense and I'm left flailing, knowing nothing. Sometimes it’s me that flips. Either way, I am [...]
So, I’m standing there, staring at the back of my own head, and all I can think is, Well, crap. Not again. This was the third time this week that I’d found myself suddenly staring [...]